Our Partners

Spirit Horse Initiative
Spirit Horse Initiative is a community based non-profit group. At Spirit Horse Initiative our goal is to help people leave gangs. We use Action therapy which is therapy in motion. The therapy occurs when engaged in activities of volunteerism, positive activism, culture/ceremony, and land based. One-on-one therapeutic discussions happen spontaneously and outside of the normal sit-down talk therapy.

Downtown Community Safety Partnership (DCSP)
The Downtown Community Safety Partnership provides 24-hour, seven-day-a-week coverage to serve the downtown community in the most effective and efficient way. In order to fully and effectively support those living and working in the community, all visitors and the vulnerable downtown population, the availability of services outside the normal 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. business hours is imperative.
We believe that every individual deserves to feel safe and be safe. We serve everyone who lives, visits, works, learns, plays and makes up the downtown Winnipeg community.

North End Community
It is a community of non-profit organization in Winnipeg’s North End comprised of nine partner neighbourhoods. The neighbourhoods we serve are William Whyte, St. John’s, Dufferin, Lord Selkirk Park, Inkster-Faraday, Robertson, Burrows Central, Luxton and North Point Douglas.

N’Dinawemak is an Indigenous-led community resource offering 24/7 warming space in Winnipeg

Ikwe Wiidjitiwin
We are a unique organization and have touched many lives since the doors of Ikwe opened on January 24th, 1984. I am proud Ikwe is building on its Indigenous focus and rapidly moving towards a culturally appropriate service framework for all women and children.

Bear Clan Patrol
Bear Clan Patrol service came about as a result of the ongoing need to assume our traditional responsibility to provide security to our aboriginal community. Given that the aboriginal population in Winnipeg is anywhere from 60,000 to 80,000, and is heavily concentrated in certain inner city neighbourhoods.

Leftovers Foundation
Leftovers Foundation (rescuefood.ca)
The Leftovers Foundation’s mission is to reduce food waste and prevent the greenhouse gas emissions caused when good food is left to rot. We connect food donors with service agencies through the efforts of our amazing volunteers across Alberta and Manitoba. Our mission is to make sure surplus good food goes first to feed people who are hungry. We want to ensure that, in our communities, good, edible food NEVER goes to landfills.

OPK Manitoba
OPK is an incorporated social service agency with a board of directors, an executive director, and a co-executive director. OPK partners with the John Howard Society for administration and mutual support and guidance. Our co executive directors are Sherryl Blacksmith and Jessie Leigh. Our board members are Ed Azure, Connie Buck , Sharon Richard and Lee Sanderson.

CommUNITY204 Inc. is a non-profit grassroots organization that focuses on providing assistance to our marginalized and houseless communities through provisions of basic human needs and support in a variety of capacities.